
Feb. 18, 1972 Morikawa Shoji Kaisha, Ltd. was established as a trading company specialized in business with then-Soviet Union;
1st President: Morimitsu Morikawa

May 1975 Moscow Representation was opened

1975 (– 1985) Purchase of Antarctic whale meat (joint project with Taiyo Fisheries)

1981 Japan’s first purchase of a Soviet helicopter

1982 Minoru Masuda became the 2nd President

Aug. 1985 Joint participation with Taiyo Fisheries in International Fishery Exhibition in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg)

1991 After disintegration of the Soviet Union, continued transactions with companies and institutions from Russian Federation and other NIS countries (New Independent States: 15 former Soviet republics except three Baltic states; includes 12 countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and South Caucasus)

1992 Vladivostok Representation was opened

1993 Kamchatka Representation was opened

1994 Sakhalin Representation was opened

2001 Yukio Kikuchi became the 3rd President

2008 Japan’s first purchase of a Russian helicopter

2009 Narumi Azumai became the 4th President

Feb. 2022 50th Anniversary of Morikawa Shoji

Aug. 1, 2022 After company split-up, all projects and activities have been succeeded by newly established Morikawa Shoji
Morikawa Shoji will continue import/export of sea products including multilateral business, export of fishing gear and equipment, industrial plants, marine electronics, and analytical instrumentation, as well as aviation-related projects, consulting services, etc.
(The head office and all representations in Russian Federation remain unchanged)